A reminder :
"The practiced by amateur radio is a scientific hobby, besides being a means to acquire personal skills in the science of electronics ..." (Definition that appears in all Radio Amateurs Handbook on its front page.)
"Natural person who has obtained a license for amateur radio communications, in accordance with existing regulations and that interest in radio studies, experience and practice with radio equipment, non-profit." (Part First, Article 2, the regulation of amateur communications in Chile).
What to use to broadcast on AM?
Multimode Tranceiver: Some equipment for Radio Amateurs are able to deliver amplitude modulated (AM) Icom, Kenwood, Yaesu, former Swan, Drake, for example. Do not forget to control the power not to exceed the capacity of the final amplifier of SSB Banda team. Generally the power is only about a third. For example, if your gem emits 100 watts SSB, you must control the carrier (or carrier issued) to about 25 or 40 Watts maximum. Also verify that rise more than a few watts power meter to speak normally into the microphone. Ideally, the power remains unchanged when you speak into the microphone (and not say: holaaaa hooolaaaa. That's normal and very old fashioned).
Old commercial equipment AM: Since the beginning of AM were built countless commercially transmitting equipment. Today is a great experience to repair or refurbish these old transmitters full of legends and "kilometers cast." Some brands considered are: Collins, RCA, Heathkit, Geloso, among many brands. If you feel the excitement with these relics consider issue first of all get a receiver. Do not forget that these devices only transmit.
Old military equipment written off (Surplus of war): It is always possible to get out there one of these unsightly equipment, but that support it. There is a classic among them here in chile, I mean the 19MKII, built in the Second World War and were used as communications equipment for the fleets of Russian tanks (but built in Canada or the U.S.). They were a revolution in concept, are transceivers, can be issued in 80 and 40 meters, also in VHF, and very compact. Other military equipment well known in his day is the Collins ART13 model. High power and reliability.
Self-Made Equipment: This is an experience that only a few can enjoy and the best satisfaction and knowledge that allows us. Deserves a separate chapter, but it is important that the best AM broadcast that you hear today are generated by computers built at home.
What can be done in AM in 40 meters?: Currently there is a considerable number of stations operating in this mode. Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, can be heard after noon with flashy signs. Many times you can confuse the international season with some kind Broad Casting, so listen carefully. The audio is better than any professionally Amplitude Modulated radio. Can be heard from afar (Buenos Aires, and Montevideo, and Florianópolis) low-power stations (10 to 50 watts) and of course high-power stations (some several Kilo Watts).
AM stations in Chile:
CE3RN Peter G. Kocher (51 years in AM) La Reina, Santiago. (Homebrew 250 Watts)
CE3FFD Daniel Morales (PWM Homebrew)
CE3FFD Daniel Morales (PWM Homebrew)
CE3SIE Miguel Angel Sanchez. Providencia, Santiago. (Collins 32V3, 100 Watts)
CE3AM Ira Curtis. Hill. (Collins 32V2, 100 Watts)
CE3AM Ira Curtis. Hill. (Collins 32V2, 100 Watts)
CE2RKL Mario Morozin. Viña del Mar. (TMC, 1000 Watts)
CA2ULS Osvaldo Jeria. Viña del Mar. (Homebrew, 20 Watts)
CA6UGT Marcelo Urra (Homebrew, 20 Watts, Lanco)
CA3VBS Francisco Leyton (Curacaví. PWM Homebrew)
XQ2DWO Walter Navia (PSM 100 Watts, El Tabo)
If you want to participate in this mode. I welcome your questions and contact information.
Contact: xq2dwo@gmail.com